I'm proud to present this collection of photographs and stories, captured by myself in 2022-2023.
I've been lucky enough to photograph over 1000 dogs in the last decade and have witnessed first- hand how much joy and happiness dogs can bring to our lives. They have an infectious enthusiasm for life that is hard to resist, and they remind us to appreciate the simple things in life.
In this book I set out to capture beautiful photographs of both the dogs and the special bond they have with their owners. We collected stories of love and gratitude that the owners shared with us about their dogs, showing just how important dogs are in our life.
I would like that thank everyone involved and to those who gave generously of their time to have the photos taken. The project raised around $3000 for The Homeless and Abused Animal Rescue Team of WA (HARRT) and $750 for Lifeline WA.
Meet the Super-DOG-Models!